St. Peter Church Istanbul

Sen Piyer Church in Istanbul designed by swiss architect Giuseppe Fossati
Galata and Karaköy neighborhood in Istanbul
Claudio Monge from the Dominican Study Institute of Istanbul
Christ in cross sculpture in Istanbul
Altarpiece of Saint Peter Church in Istanbul

FR — Une couverture photographique élémentaire de la conférence internationale “Fossati Brothers” co-organisée par le Consulat général de Suisse à Istanbul, le Consulat général de Russie à Istanbul, et l’Institut d’études dominicaines.

Télécharger le portfolio en fichier PDF

EN — An elementary photographic coverage in the framework of the international workshop “Fossati Brothers” co-organised by the Consulate General of Switzerland in Istanbul, the Consulate General of Russia in Istanbul, and the Dominican Study Insitute.

Download the portfolio in PDF file